After much consideration and many requests, i will finally start doing commission work! I can turn your portrait into a Fantasy Portrait. The idea is that you pick from one of the many fantasy themes I’ll have (gradually) and your photo will look similar to that of the example shown with your own personal twist.
The requirements are pretty easy:
- Take your portrait with a good quality camera
- Make sure the background is white
- Picture should be from your collarbone area and up
That’s basically it! You can wear whatever you’d like, or try to mimic the example I display, it’s up to you. Pose however you’d like as well, just keep in mind requirement number 3.
How much?
The Fantasy Portrait edits are $60 USD each. You'll get the full resolution edit to post anywhere online! You’ll have a unique portrait to showcase your personality.
I want one!
If you want to purchase an edit, please send me an email on here or via my instagram. I will get in contact with you ASAP and follow up with you!
So you just got this super unique fantasy photo edit and maybe you just want to show it off to all your friends and make them jealous?! I feel that, I also like making my friends jealous. But how, you ask? Its one thing posting your amazing self portrait on the internet, but its a whole other ballgame SHOWCASING it your home. Every mortal that steps into your doors will be GRACED by the presence of that godly fantasy version of you (the real you.)
I know, i know, I'm making you sweat, but believe me, your portrait will come to life once it's printed and hung up for your friends and family to worship. You have some choices on how big you'd like to present yourself;
8.5x11: $15.00 (printed on Epson Watercolor Paper)
13x19: $25.00 (printed on Epson Watercolor Paper)
17x22: $60.00 (printed on Premium Textured Coldpress Paper)
Please let me know in your order if you would like to attach a print to it!
Do i need to take my photo with a DSLR?
Preferably yes. If you don’t have one, but have a good quality camera on your phone, that can work too.
Will my photo look just like the example on the theme I choose?
Mostly 60% yes, but there will be variation on all the edits to make sure yours is different from the rest. You can even tell me if you want something specific in it! So let me know!
How long will it take to get my photo edit?
Id say 2-3 days! If it takes any longer due to the amount of work I have, I will promptly let you know!
I want to include two people in the fantasy portrait… does it cost extra?
Yes, another person will be an additional $30, unless the theme itself includes two people.
Can i dress up to fit the theme? What about how to pose?
Yes!! Dress up in a cool outfit that matches the theme! Or not! Be mysterious! You can pose however you'd like, but please consider how the poses in the examples are set. These are up-close portrait edits, so preferably the image should shot from your chest or collarbones and up. There can be an exception if you want to show off a certain part of your outfit.
Can I use this image anywhere i want?
Of course! Upload it anywhere! You’ll get a full resolution image to do as you please.
Can i request a custom edit that’s not shown in the theme selection?
Yes, email me about the commission and we can discuss the pricing and details!
How many themes will you have?
I will gradually add themes and possibly add more complex edits for those who want a little more.