My (Criminal) Neighbor Totoro

My (Criminal) Neighbor Totoro

My (Criminal) Neighbor Totoro

YEAH THATS RIGHT, I JUST MADE A TOTORO PARODY PHOTO. I seen so many great parodies based on this scene in the movie, I don’t know if I pulled it off like the others but I definitely enjoyed making this! In this parallel universe, Totoro (and friends) and I are wanted run away criminals. DO YOU SEE OUR WANTED POSTER? WE ARE ~SERIOUS~ CRIMINALS >O<
I wanted a silent hill vibe… didn’t want to be obnoxious with gore but I did add a little… just so you can see what we are capable of >:D
I made Totoro out of so many animal parts lmao… a cat, a bear, a chiwawa, miscellaneous animal parts… I will totally show you guys the process. I didn’t think i would be able to to create a “life like” version of him but i think I did a decent job. ANYWAY, HOW DO YOU THINK I DID? Compared to the actual movie scene? LET ME KNOW! ^_^

February 13, 2021